Monday, May 20, 2013

Global Green and Healthy Hospitals connects with Asian hospitals

The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals initiative is a network of hospitals and health organizations spanning over 3,500 hospitals in six continents. This network is composed of members who are committed to implementing GGHH’s ten interconnected goals. These goals are all geared towards reducing the environmental impact of health care, and promoting environmental health.

A vital part of GGHH’s platform is the sharing of case studies and best practices. The breakthroughs of one hospital, for example, can inspire another institution thousands of miles away. The network thrives on this free exchange of ideas, which is why it decided to create GGHH Connect, a site that combines social networking, content creation, and interaction.

We’re pretty excited about this, because the Health Care Without Harm and GGHH teams have been looking for ways to encourage members of our networks to interact in even better ways. While HCWH and GGHH already use Facebook and Twitter, we also wanted to give professionals another platform to engage.

Unlike Facebook and Twitter though, GGHH Connect is exclusively for members of GGHH. This means members can share and receive information in a safe, professional environment. Everyone can be assured of the credentials and expertise of each participant. This will tighten the global network of GGHH and create a climate more conducive to sharing information and breakthroughs.

The platform, which was developed by GGHH, Cisco Systems, and the Skoll Foundation, will enable all GGHH members to share and receive information, feedback, as well as work together to achieve their sustainability goals.

The Cisco-powered site is set to open on the fourth week of May. Right now, I’m working on spreading the word to hospitals and other potential members. If you’re interested on hopping onboard, I’d be happy to tell you more. Email me at

To learn more about the GGHH network as a whole, visit

Iñigo de Paula is a Manila-based digital marketing consultant and freelance creative director. He is currently doing consultancy work for HCWH-Asia.

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